A message from the CYP Mental Health System
Norfolk & Waveney Access to Mental Health Advice & Support for 0 25s Service launches 2nd April 2024.
Changes are happening to improve the mental health referral pathway for 0 25 year olds. This brief animation gives further details.

From 2nd April the Norfolk & Waveney Access to Mental Health Advice & Support for 0-25s Service, hosted by Just One Number (also known as Just One Norfolk), is the place to send all requests for support (referrals)
Just One Number includes mental health clinicians who will review each request for support. They might provide immediate advice tailored to the childs need, and if further support is required, they will forward the request to the most suitable provider.
Providing as much information as possible in the request enables the triage team to do this effectively. The GP and young person will be informed of the outcome within five working days.
What you need to do:
- Continue to help 0-25 year olds to access mental health support in their local community prior to considering a request for support
- Anybody can now submit a request for support
- Encourage young people or their family to submit a request themselves here: http://justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/mhsupport
- Any professional can use the link above including teachers, social workers etc
- General Practice can submit a request for support using the Mental Health 0-25 form within SystmOne/EMIS and sending it via e-RS to Just One Number
- This is now the pathway to access mental health support for 0-25 year olds, including but not limited to NSFT, MAP, Supporting Smiles formerly known as Point 1 (see attached infographic)
- This is not a pathway to access crisis services please continue to call the relevant crisis line if a same day response is required
- This is not a pathway for neurodevelopmental disorder assessments or diagnosis
Any questions or feedback, please contact ccs.joninterim@nhs.net
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Requests for Support (Referrals)
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